Last month, I lost my voice.
No exaggeration, really.
No sound came from my throat.
About a month before that, my throat had been feeling bad due to pollen and other things.
This was the standard, so I didn't really think it was a problem.
On April 20th, it finally exploded.
That day, I had a meeting with Asae-san.
In the evening, I was in the front row for my master Ichinosuke's solo performance. That was the schedule.
It was a lunchtime two-person gathering, and he left early after the first seating.
In the middle of my story, I was attacked by a tight sensation in my throat, and from then on I managed to hide it somehow...
However, I was still far from being able to go to the evening party.
My brother Asaeda kindly agreed to take my place on the spot, and I escorted him to the venue and tried to greet my teacher, but I couldn't find my voice.
Just go home.
The next day, I went to an ear, nose and throat specialist recommended by a senior storyteller.
"It seems that other Rakugo performers also frequent the place."
I went there after hearing that and actually met my fellow classmate, Utahiko.
An endoscope is inserted through the nose.
"Okay, just hold on a little longer. It'll be over soon. It's almost over."
This is so painful it feels like it will last forever.
When I was shown the photo and asked about the diagnosis,
The "folds" that control the vocal cords are completely weakened,
It was just a hollow space.
"How did it end up like this?!"
I was told.
I want to hear it.
Anyway, I should have gone to the doctor sooner.
He inhaled on the spot.
You know, the thing where you inhale the steam through your nose and let it out through your mouth.
That's something I've loved ever since I was a kid.
To avoid leaking anything, I cover the nozzle tightly and take a deep breath, just like when I went to the Shirakami-Sanchi.
Recently, I often see "shisha bars",
I think it would be good to have an "intake bar" as well.
That's much better for your body.
Instead of alcoholic drinks, you could offer Manuka honey bath or R1 yogurt.
After that I was told not to speak for the rest of April and of course to take time off work.
This is a matter of life and death.
I can't even practice, let alone work.
I can't convey how hard the noodles are in the extra bowl.
If the phone rings, you have no choice but to ignore it.
I somehow managed to get through that lifestyle and finally returned to work.
The team is reviewing the process from scratch and performing the piece through trial and error.
And just when I thought I was beginning to get a feel for it,
I had viral gastroenteritis.
And it's a heavy one.
Even though I had gastroenteritis, my fever rose to 38.8°.
When I went to the doctor, he stuck a long stick into my anus.
From top to bottom. What a wretched man.
He goes home and spends his days going back and forth between the toilet and his futon.
How many pills have you taken in the last month?
Because I am taking other medications regularly,
I can now swallow up to 10 tablets at a time.
For the past few days, I've been getting by on liquid food and pills alone.
This is probably what humans will look like in the future.
Ah, I want to quickly return to the modern lifestyle of working without sleep and eating a diet full of fats and carbohydrates.
Shunputei Yoichi
Born April 5, 1998
In March 2017, he became a disciple of Shunputei Ichinosuke.
He became a junior performer on January 21 of the following year. His junior performer name was "Yoichi."
Promoted to Ni-dan on March 1, 2021.