The rainy season has finally arrived in Tokyo, and the humid weather is only getting worse.
The season of the year that I wish would pass by quickly has arrived.
As someone with naturally curly hair, humidity is a daily battle for me.
I can get away with it now because I have short hair, but when I was a student I was conscious of sex and just kept growing my hair out.
The heavier the bangs, the cooler it looks.
A man is only a man if his eyes are hidden by his bangs.
That's what I thought.
However, things didn't go as planned, and every single strand of his long hair became frizzy, making him look like Master Tsurube when he was young.
When I told my teacher about this, he dismissed it, saying it was a luxury problem.
When asked if he has any particular preference for his hairstyle, he says he doesn't, and just thinks that a cheap barber shop is fine.
The local barber shop I used to go to when I was an apprentice was the typical local barber shop run by an older man alone.
I've never seen anyone other than myself there.
When I go there, the husband is usually playing PlayStation.
"(tap, tap, tap)...Ah, come in. (tap, tap, tap)"
After confirming my presence, he continues playing with his PlayStation for a while.
I guess they want to finish as soon as possible.
That's still good.
Once, I was online communicating.
"Ahahaha! ... Oh, sorry, a customer has come. I'll leave it to you later. Come in."
It's pretty awkward.
I also learned there that customers were the type who were called "customers."
Sit on a chair, place a 1,000 yen bill on the small shelf below the mirror in front of you, and start cutting.
That's how it works.
Are you a street performer?
I always think to myself, "What the heck?"
I thought I'd try to approach this husband a little,
"What game are you playing?"
"Hmmmm, Monster Hunter."
Are we friends?
We happened to have played the same game before, so we got a little excited.
"What do you do for work?"
"I'm a Rakugo performer."
"Hey, I like Shunputei Ichinosuke."
"Ah, that's my master.
"What? Really?"
For some reason, we ended up listening to my teacher's radio show together.
Once it's finished, I'm asked to look at the back of my head in the mirror.
There was something bothering me, so I asked them to cut it a little more,
"I didn't do any re-cutting or anything. Good job."
I can't grasp it.
They were so excited just a moment ago.
Why did I go to this barber shop for three years?
Then I got two eyes, and now I get my hair cut by a friend who is a hairdresser, and it's great.
The conversation is lively and they even cut out the small details for you.
I'm enjoying a stress-free haircutting life.
I'd like to get an exciting haircut from my husband for the first time in a while.
I wonder if he's doing well.
Shunputei Yoichi
Born April 5, 1998
In March 2017, he became a disciple of Shunputei Ichinosuke.
He became a junior performer on January 21 of the following year. His junior performer name was "Yoichi."
Promoted to Ni-dan on March 1, 2021.