On November 19th, the Ginza Tailor Rakugo Club will feature the performance of "Hayashiya Tamahei," who is currently in the spotlight for his film "Yutorimasen Nani Ka International." Don't miss out on Tamahei's story, whose popularity and talent are on the rise.
The 19th "Ginza Tailor Rakugo Performance - Tamadaira Cloakroom"
Date: Sunday, November 19th
Doors open at 12:45, show starts at 13:00, ends around 15:00
Location: The Cloakroom
Cast: Tamahei Hayashiya
First of all, organizer: Masuhiro Yamamoto
Fee: 2,500 yen (tax included) cash only
For applications and inquiries info@thecloakroom.jp (Rakugo events can only be booked by email)